Sakina binte Hussain (Arabic) was the youngest daughter of Hussain ibn Ali and Umm-e-Rubab (Rubab binte Umrao Al Qais). Hussain ibn Ali is notable as the grandson of the islamic Prophet Muhammad and as a revered figure to Shi'a Muslims, who regard him as the third Shi'a Imam.
Sakina binte Hussain was born on the 20th day of Rajab, 24th Dhu
al-Hijjah 56 Hijri. Her name means "peace" in Arabic.[1] Her real name was Fatima. Her titles includes Sakina, Ruqqya, Masooma, Aatika, Kulsoom, Zainab. Her early years were said to have been spent in Medina. Her brothers included Ali ibn Hussayn, Ali Akbar & Ali Asghar. Her sister included Fatima Sughra.
According to Shi'a Muslims, she accompanied her father when he traveled from Mecca to Kufa, in what is now Iraq, to make a bid for the caliphate following the death of the caliph Muawiya I. Husayn was intercepted by the troops of Yazid I, and he and all of his men were killed at the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE. The women and children of the party, including Sakina along with her aunts (Zaynab binte Ali and Lady Umm Kulthum binte Ali), were captured and force-marched to the court of Yazid I, where they were held in prison. Sakina is said to have died in prison on 13 Safar 61 Hijri, at Damascus, Syria and is buried there.
Shi'a view of Sakina
The story of Sakina is one of the many emotional and highly affecting stories that Shi'a Muslims tell of Imam Hussain ibn Ali and his martyrdom, at the hands of Yazid's troops. The Battle of Karbala and the subsequent events at the court of Yazid are explained and mourned annually during the commemoration of Ashura.
Shi'a (and some Sunni) Muslims believe that Sakina binte Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib was a sweet and loving child, the light of Imam Hussain’s household. She would not leave him, even when he was going into danger.
During the battle, the little girl watched in horror as her uncles, her brothers, and her father were martyred. Then Yazid's soldiers entered Hussain ibn Ali’s camp, where the women and children were hiding in fear: they pillaged the tents and ripped the earrings out of Sakina's ears. But she had no thought for her own pain and her bleeding ears. She went out to the battlefield, looking for her father. Her remaining family found her clinging to her father’s corpse. She had fallen asleep on Hussain ibn Ali’s chest, as she did during happier times.
Sakina suffered from fatigue and thirst on the forced march to Damascus, and later from cold and starvation in Yazid's dungeon. Her jailers are said to have shown her father's head. She embraced his head and died of sorrow.
Persian or Urdu speaking Shi’a refers to Hussain ibn Ali as "Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)". Hazrat is a title of respect, and Imam is the divine office they believe he held. They often put AS after his name when writing, as shorthand for an honorific in the Arabic language. Sakina is usually called "Bibi Sakina", "Bibi" being a title of respect for women.
Shrine of Sayeda Sakina
She is said to be buried near the palace of Yazid I, in Damascus, Syria. Her shrine is a place of pilgrimage (ziyarat) for Shi'a Muslims
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